The 14th BFDG Production Design Awards

Entry Submission

Please fill in the details in each category for the Film(s), Television production(s) Music Video(s) and Commercial(s) you would like to enter to be considered for a BFDG Award. Please make sure that at least one HoD for each production submitted is a member of the BFDG. For the Commercial & Music Video award the Production Designer or Art Director should be a member of the BFDG.

You can submit more than one entry in each category

You can submit a project that you have worked on

Don’t forget, each entry must have had/or will have had a theatrical release or been broadcast in the UK between 1st January 2024 to midnight on 31st December 2024, based on data from IMDB and UK general release dates. (Release can mean theatrical or streamed/on-demand broadcast.)

Entry deadline: 5pm on the 6th October 2024.

Your entry will be checked to ensure it meets the criteria for the award and you will be then be contacted and invited to submit assets. If you have any questions or are having issue when submitting your entry then please contact us at [email protected].

Entry submission closed for all categories except Planet Positive.

Submit Your Entries

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Select Category*:

Please select just one category for each entry. You can enter more than one project on separate entries.
Please type N/A if doesn't apply
Please type N/A if doesn't apply
Please enclose the UK release date along with where it was released e.g. Festival, Stream etc
Please list all Production Designer(s), if there was more than one (or type N/A if not applicable)
Please provide the Production Designer(s) email address or telephone number (or type N/A if not applicable)
Please list all Supervising Art Director(s), if there was more than one. It is acceptable to enter an Art Director if there is no SAD please add AD after their name. (or type N/A if not applicable)
Please provide the Supervising Art Director(s) (or Art Directors if no SAD) email address or telephone number (or type N/A if not applicable)
Please list all Set Decorator(s), if there was more than one (or type N/A if not applicable)
Please provide the Set Decorator(s) email address or telephone number (or type N/A if not applicable)
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By submitting details to our website you are accepting our standard Terms & Conditions.
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The British Film Designers Guild is committed to protecting your privacy and respecting your data. Any personal information which we require is kept only with your consent and is kept secure. We do not share your data with any third parties.
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